There’s no question that the employees you hire will either make or break your business. For HR professionals, there is an enormous amount of time, money, and energy put into recruiting and hiring top candidates. Job security for the HR professional is dependent on their ability to recruit, hire, and ultimately retain the “right” employee.
While there is no fool-proof way to guarantee you’re making the right hire, here are some hiring tips that can help you increase the chances of finding the right candidate for the job:
We’ve all been there, reinventing ourselves, taking on new challenges, and entering new fields. However, there are those who have established a pattern of jumping from one career to the next, in search of something they can’t seem to find. Many times, these candidates are engaging, communicative, and adaptable. These are traits that have allowed them to change careers multiple times. But here’s the catch: Many of these career jumpers are doing so because they’re struggling to understand what it is that they really want, so in essence, they just look for the next job they think might be of interest to them…or the next job that pays the bills.
If you want to find the right candidate, hire someone who has established herself with a commitment and dedicated focus to her career, and not just a job. She may have had several jobs, but does she show up in the same career, working to grow and evolve in that career. Finding people who have a commitment to their career, within your niche, will provide you and them an opportunity to grow together, not just temporarily fulfill a need.
Does your potential new hire communicate well? Have they demonstrated a past that reveals them as a team player? What is their competitive level, and is it complementary to your team, or is it potentially destructive? What is their demonstrated ability to learn? Are they confident yet coachable? Do they seem to have a curious nature or desire to learn?
Finding soft skills can be a bit daunting through the hiring process, yet it is these types of skills that typically make all the difference between a productive and non-productive employee. There are some candidates who have the hard skill set to perform the job. They have experience, and they know how to “do” the job. Sometimes, these candidates can also be difficult to find, especially in a job force that struggles with a skills gap. Hiring a candidate who has the soft skills to adapt and learn a job is a great way to bring on the right hire, and train them to perform the job. Of course, the best of both worlds is to find someone who knows the job and has the soft skills to grow beyond.
This is a simple theory, but sometimes easier said than done. You’ve completed your background checks, you’ve talked to references, you’ve interviewed multiple times…but are you still unsure if this potential new employee will fit into your company’s culture? I’m always a believer in listening to my gut, but HR folks know that if someone doesn’t fit into the culture, they’re not going to stay around long. Do they have a record of getting along with people? Have they demonstrated their ability to be part of a team? Do they take responsibility for their past mistakes or errors?
The short and simple of it is that you have to hire people who are going to join and complement the culture established in your organization.
There are many things you can do to constantly improve your hiring process, and certainly, as business changes, it’s imperative that HR shifts and adapts quickly. With technology, automation, and AI on the rise, companies and organizations have the opportunity to blend the best that technology has to offer, with great human talent. Continuing to maximize your hiring process will help you put the right people in place for the benefit of your company, your employee, and yourself.